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League of Legends is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena games worldwide. Its competitive gameplay and ever-changing champion roster make it a fan favorite. Recently, the game developers released a new game mode called "League Battlefield," along with a brand-new set of champions for players to try out. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to install the League of Legends client and create a lobby for "League Battlefield". We will also take a closer look at the new champions and provide some tips and tricks for winning in this exciting game mode.

Installation Guide

To begin playing League of Legends, players will need to download and install the game client. The installation process is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps.

Visit the official League of Legends website and click on the "Download" button.

Select the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows or Mac).

Once downloaded, open the file and follow the installation instructions.

After the installation is complete, launch the game and sign in to your account or create a new one.

Once logged in, select the "Play" button and navigate to the "League Battlefield" game mode.

Once you have completed these steps, you can now begin playing League of Legends in the "League Battlefield" game mode with the new champions.

New Champioins

One of the most exciting features of "League Battlefield" is the addition of four new champions to the game. These champions have unique abilities and playstyles that make them a great addition to any team.


Kayn is a versatile assassin who can switch between two forms during a battle. In his Shadow Form, he gains increased mobility and damage, making him an excellent duelist. In his Rhaast Form, Kayn gains increased durability and has powerful crowd control abilities that can change the tide of a team fight.

Xayah and Rakan

Xayah and Rakan are a duo that must be played together to reach their full potential. Xayah is a marksman who can deal massive bursts of damage from a distance. Rakan is a support champion who can also deal damage but excels at controlling the battlefield with his crowd control abilities. When played together, Xayah and Rakan gain increased mobility and deal bonus damage to enemy champions.


Zoe is a tricky mage who has the ability to teleport around the battlefield and deal devastating amounts of damage. She can also steal enemy summoner spells, making her a valuable addition to any team. Zoe's ultimate ability allows her to teleport to any location on the map, making her a versatile champion that can quickly move across the battlefield.

Tips and Tricks

Now that you have a better idea of the new champions, here are some tips and tricks that will help you succeed in the "League Battlefield" game mode:

Teamwork is Key

In this game mode, teamwork is essential to victory. Each champion has a unique set of abilities, and it's important to coordinate with your team to take advantage of these abilities for maximum effectiveness.

Communication is Important

Effective communication is crucial to success in any multiplayer game, but it's especially important in "League Battlefield." Make sure to communicate with your teammates about enemy positions, objectives, and any other important information that can help you win.


Know Your Champions

Each champion has unique abilities and playstyles, so it's essential to know their strengths and weaknesses. Take some time to research the new champions before playing with them so that you can use their abilities to their fullest potential.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any game, practice is essential to improving your skills. Spend time experimenting with different champions and strategies to find what works best for you.



With the release of the "League Battlefield" game mode and the new champions, League of Legends has once again proved why it's one of the best MOBA games out there. By following our installation guide, learning about the new champions, and implementing our tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master of "League Battlefield."